Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Unit 6 Classchum Feedback

A suggestion to make the information on the quick view page was made to edit the existing side scrolling page view widget and make a static text page that scrolls instead.

A suggestion to align to a grid system was made to ensure balance.

 A reccomendation to instead of having video on every page, make a play button for the video/audio on the quick view page under the text.

Unit 5 Reading Response

Chapter 8 describes the tension that can occur between workers due to personal preference in usability and the perceived notion of a formula that will work in all situations. This is not a comfortable topic for most due to the deeply tied emotional responses triggered by a person’s passion for their career. The best approach is to look at design and functionality in an objective, case by case basis. Understanding that different approaches to solutions are necessary in a team environment.

Chapter 9 speaks about the differences between usability testing and focus groups. Focus groups can help direct the intent of the overall job through talks about the needs and desires of the use. Usability testing is much different and encompasses the entire scope of how thing work and users reactions to the elements they encounter. There are multiple tests that have the ability to save the company money in the long run. Weeding out unnecessary, complicating elements to improve the experience, deciding the most efficient way to tackle resolutions, and clarification of all necessary data are some of the ways usability testing can prove useful. Test, test, and retest.

extra normal



Project 2 lofi and hifi prelimcomp
